My Hero Academia Funko Pop – Wave 3 – Roundup

Here is another roundup of My Hero Academia Funko Pops! with new characters! Checkout All Might, Deku, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, Tokoyami and All For One!

The list of awesome MHA Funko Pops continues with the Wave 3 of this must-have anime line. The Wave 3 MHA Pops include: Izuku Midoriya in full mask and in his very first superhero costume, while All Might is in his teacher attire. Moreover, Momo Yaoyorozu and Eijiro Kirishima are both in their superhero attire. Furthermore, Fumikage Tokoyami is with Dark Shadow. Meanwhile, Bronze Age All Might is also included. Lastly, we have All For One, who is the only villain in this Wave. All of these Pops are regular Pops. Indeed, we were excited to get this Wave because of the new characters, namely, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, Tokoyami, and All For One. Watch the video below to see how awesome this wave is!

Unboxing and Review

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You can buy the My Hero Academia Wave 3 Funko Pops! here:

All Might
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Buy it now on Entertainment Earth
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Buy it now on Entertainment Earth
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Buy it now on Entertainment Earth
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Buy it now on Entertainment Earth
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All Might
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All For One
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Pre school teacher, Funko Funatic, bookworm, toy collector, and geek who loves, Children's Literature, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings